The Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology to publish 18 Latin Comparative Pathology Group diagnostic exercises a year

Dear colleagues It gives us great pleasure to announce that the Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology has generously decided that from now on, 6 Latin Comparative Pathology Group (LCPG) diagnostic … Read more

Invitación para presentar casos en el Taller de Histopatología, en el marco del XVII SEMINARIO DE LA FUNDACIÓN DAVIS-THOMPSON EN ARGENTINA, en conjunto con la XIII RAPAVE

Estimados colegas:     Ésta es una invitación para presentar casos en el Taller de Histopatología, en el marco del XVII SEMINARIO DE LA FUNDACIÓN CL DAVIS-SW THOMPSON EN ARGENTINA, en conjunto … Read more

Big news about the “Big 4” courses!

Navigating the transition for our big 4 courses (Descriptive Veterinary Pathology, Current Lab Animal Science Seminar (CLASS) & Pathology of Lab Animals (POLA), Current Literature and Image Interpretation Course (CLIC) and General Pathology Review Course from the desk of the Davis-Thompson Foundation President, Dr. Jey Koehler.