European Division

European Divison

The European Division of the Davis-Thompson Foundation promotes and upholds the underpinning principles and tenets of the parent Foundation through advancement of veterinary and comparative pathology.

About the European Division

The European Division of the Davis-Thompson Foundation is a non-profit educational organization that works to further education and scientific progress in veterinary and comparative pathology.

The Division maintains and expands the links between veterinary pathologists across Europe to facilitate fruitful networking in the fields of diagnostics, research, state, and industrial pathology.

We are committed to providing world-class continuing professional development by organising themed symposia with speakers who are experts in their field and enjoy international repute.

Committed to Training

Supporting  veterinary pathology trainees

The European Division of the Davis-Thompson Foundation supports veterinary pathology trainees in training positions (PhD studentships or residency posts) and aim to provide them with free registration and bursaries to spend on accommodation and travel as well as opportunities to speak with speakers of high standing in their field.

We seek feedback from our delegates every year using a comprehensive survey in order to constantly improve the topics, speakers, accompanying notes and venues of our continuing professional development offerings.


Membership is voluntary and open to all colleagues. European heritage and European language communication are not required. The ED does not endorse or tolerate any form of bias against nationality, race, ethnicity, religious preference (or not-religion at all), political preference, gender, sexual preference, or sexual identity. All ED members are embraced equally and treated with respect.

Structure and Events

Discover the processes and structures that define the European Division

Our Current Committee

Dr Liz McInnes; ED-DTF President/DTF Board Member

Prof Simon Priestnall; ED-DTF Treasurer/DTF Board Member

Dr Alejandro Suárez-Bonnet; ED-DTF Regional representative, Southern Europe

Tamara Dolenšek; ED-DTF Regional representative, Eastern Europe

Our Current Meetings

Mouse Pathology (Virtual, Zoom),
13-14 September 2021.

Speakers: Dr Cory Brayton, Dr Denise Imai.

Click here for registration and program.

Our Future Meetings

Webinar: Standardisation of Veterinary Tumors, Dr Taryn Donavan, 8 December 2021, 16.00 UK time, details to follow.

April 2022 (TBC) Lleida, Spain

Spring 2022 (TBC), N Macedonia