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Individual Membership

Become a University member of the Davis-Thompson Foundation

Become a Corporate member of the Davis-Thompson Foundation

Dear Colleague:

Why should you become a member of the Davis-Thompson Foundation?   There are many reasons why our colleagues support the Foundation through their memberships, and here are only a few:

1)   By supporting the Foundation, you support pathology and lab animal medicine education around the world. In the last two years, the Foundation has begun an unprecedented electronic outreach program that is unmatched by any other organization in our field.  The Foundation is the leading provider of FREE educational resources for veterinary pathologists around the world.  In the last year, the Foundation has doubled the images in Noah’s Arkive, which it acquired in 2017, making these images available for students and teachers around the world.  The Foundation’s YouTube page contains over 125 hours of lectures from its Faculty and from its courses around the world – and that number continues to grow!  Finally, the Foundation has just set up its first virtual slide servers, which we will be stocking with diagnostic cases from our four annual slide seminars.

2)  The Davis-Thompson Foundation is truly an international operation, with over 40 courses on six continents in 2018, and given in multiple languages.  Your membership also supports over 150 international study centers at veterinary schools around the world, where veterinarians in all specialties can study Foundation DVDs and publications. By supporting the Foundation, you support young veterinarians around the world.  Each year, the overwhelming majority of participants at Foundation courses, or visitors to our study centers, are young pathologists or lab animal practitioners studying for advanced degrees or board certification. Many of our current members (including myself) remember the Foundation’s courses as an important and necessary part of our training, and becoming a member is an outstanding way to pass on our good fortune to those who follow behind us.

3)  By supporting the Foundation, you can get great discounts on Foundation courses.  Each year, members receive 10% off of tuition on many of our courses – when you combine the Foundation’s high-quality continuing education and low-cost CE credits, that‘s a fantastic deal!

4)  By supporting the Foundation, you can support your friends, colleagues, and faculty members who volunteer their time and energy as our speakers, course directors, and officers on a wholly volunteer basis.   (Yes, we do it all for free).  As you probably also know, the Foundation has no endowment, so each year, we must raise the funds to continue to hold courses, publish online materials, and establish study centers around the world

5)  In 2018, the Foundation began the publication of the third edition of the Surgical Pathology of Tumors of Domestic Animals.  More than twice the length of the 2nd edition, the new series is all-color and includes not just histology, but immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology and notes on tumor biology and prognosis.  And you get your very own copy of the most recently published volume by becoming a member (or renewing your previous membership.)

6)  All memberships are counted as donations to the Foundation, a publicly donative charity and fully deductible from your US income tax.

All of these are great reasons to support the Foundation, and the easiest way to do this is by becoming an individual member (or renewing your membership) for only $125 for a full year.

Thank you for your time, and thank you for your support.


Paco Uzal, DVM, PhD, DACVP

Chairman, Board of Directors, Davis-Thompson Foundation