The ultimate 2021 recap!

The Davis-Thompson Foundation had a phenomenal year! Check out from where our virtual seminars were broadcasted in this interactive 3D map. THANK YOU to all of those who continue to support our mission!

The Davis-Thompson Foundation was surely on ultra voltage this year of 2021! In a world with exceptional uncertainties but full of kind and enthusiastic people, we have been extremely grateful for all global support for the advancement of veterinary and comparative pathology.

In 2021, with the help of 23 phenomenal volunteers, the Foundation’s webinar committee had the honor to work with hundreds of generous experts in academia, industry, and private practice, and assisted with the delivery of 96 (mostly virtual) events available globally!

More than 400 hours of continuing education were offered, including 300+ RACE-approved credits.

Even more exciting, the events promoted by the Foundation outreached 123 countries, summing 16,000+ logins total (from Albania to Zimbabwe)! Take a quick virtual tour to all countries from where our seminars were streamed in this interactive 3D map.

Share this post with your colleagues and tell us in the comments below from where you connected this year!

Total events offered in 2021

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Picture of Rachel Neto

Rachel Neto