The 41st Annual West Coast Veterinary Pathology Conference: Jaws – Terrifying Oral Pathology

Join this amazing team of pathologists and presenters for the 41st Annual West Coast Veterinary Pathology Conference at UC Davis (in-person only), where prestigious keynote speakers will share their expertise on Oral Pathology, covering from the elementary to complex, well-known to conundra, supplemented by a series of presentations of exciting cases. The event will have a rich schedule and attendees will be engaged the entire time. You cannot miss this opportunity to sharpen and polish your knowledge on this hard topic!

$20.00 – $150.00

Rodadas de histopatologia do LCPG: Casos variados de animais de dermatopatologia – Dra. Rachel Neto

O LCPG anuncia rodadas especiais de histopatologia abertas ao público, inteiramente dedicadas a alunos de língua espanhola e portuguesa. Esta série terá laminas digitalizadas ou projetadas de casos de patologia didáticos e interessantes. Neste próximo, a Dra. Rachel Neto discutirá casos variados de dermatopatologia. Se você tem interesse nessa área, não deixe de participar!


5th Annual Davis-Thompson Foundation Eastern European Veterinary Pathology Meeting

Save the date to embark on an exciting journey at the 5th Annual Davis-Thompson Foundation Eastern European Veterinary Pathology Meeting, where esteemed speakers from across the globe will unravel the wonders of pathology, presenting invaluable insights and fostering collaborative discussions for our community. The meeting will be at the breathtaking Adriatic coast in the enchanting town of Lovran, Croatia, May of 2024 at the illustrious Hotel Excelsior.

220€ – 250€

2024 Current Literature and Image Interpretation Course (CLIIC) – In person

This course is a systems-based review of veterinary pathology including current literature (past 5 years), relevant textbooks, as well as thousands of gross and microscopic images (histopathology and cytology). Attendees will receive over 600 of boards-style multiple-choice questions, both knowledge (literature and textbook based) and image based. Questions are embedded in the presentations via live polling, but attendees will also receive the questions with references as take-home handouts. This course replaces the previously offered Gross Course and differs from it by the addition microscopic images (histopathology and cytology) and current literature review, to better reflect the current ACVP exam format.


LCPG Diagnostic Cases Seminar

Immerse yourself in insightful discussions and collaborative learning with the LCPG Diagnostic Case Seminars. Present and analyze diagnostic cases in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.


Rondas de Histopatologia de LCPG – Dr Javier Asin

El LCPG anuncia rondas especiales de histopatología abiertas al público, completamente dedicadas a estudiantes de habla hispana y portugues. Esta serie contará con láminas digitalizadas o proyectadas de casos didácticos ... Read more


Seminar Series in Spanish: Fotografia macroscopica en la sala de necropsias

¡La Fundación Davis Thompson y LCPG te invitan a sumergirte en una serie de seminarios en español que no te puedes perder! El Dr. Lluís Lujan (DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVP) compartirá sus conocimientos y técnicas sobre fotografía macroscópica. ¡Es tu oportunidad de aprender y disfrutar de un seminario único sobre cómo tomar fotografías fenomenales para documentar sus lesiones! No te lo pierdas. ¡Te esperamos!


Equine enteric diseases: Full-day seminar

Join us for a day of comprehensive learning and exploration at the Day-seminars Davis/Thompson Foundation in June 2024. This series aims to delve into critical topics impacting equine health, with our focus for this session being equine enteric diseases.


Davis-Thompson Foundation “Just in time mock exams”

The Foundation invites you to this dynamic two-day meeting dedicated to aspiring veterinary anatomic pathologists. It will combine interactive presentations and mock exams centered around diverse animal species and diseases. Participants will navigate a comprehensive potpourris of important, classic, and peculiar diseases with exam simulations. Embark on this journey to sharpen your diagnostic skills and confidence during training. This event will not be recorded.


2do Seminario Venezolano 2024

¡Únete a nosotros en el Segundo Seminario Venezolano de la Fundación Davis-Thompson y el LCPG