Patologia de doenças micóticas

Junte-se a nós neste seminário virtual especialmente dedicado a falantes da língua portuguesa, dia 9 de novembro de 2022, às 18h (horário de Brasília). O Dr. Antônio Flávio Dantas irá abrilhantar este dia com sua expertise em doenças micóticas em animais domésticos. Sua palestra irá contar com patogênese, aspectos clínicos, macro-micro, e patologia comparada das principais doenças fúngicas na nossa área.


2022 ACVP pre-meeting workshop

Bone, cartilage, and dental tumors can be "hard", in more ways than one. Our speakers will present a workshop based on material from the fourth volume of the series, Surgical Pathology of Tumors of Domestic Animals: Tumors of Bone, Cartilage and Other Hard Tissues. This meeting will target veterinary students, interns, residents, and anatomic pathologists involved in diagnostics. The conference will be organized into presentations and case-based interactive discussions with digital microscopy files available to registrants prior to the meeting. The presentations will cover preparation of bone and hard tissue sections, integration of immunohistochemistry, radiology and cytology into diagnosis, and key features of common bone, cartilage and hard tissue tumors. Case presentations will be used to illustrate the approach and diagnostic features of different bone and dental tumors.

Brazilian Descriptive Veterinary Pathology Course 2022

Our highly praised Descriptive Veterinary Pathology Course is getting a new “gingado”!

The Davis-Thompson Foundation together with the Associação Brasileira de Patologia Veterinária and the Veterinary School at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais are bringing DVP to Brazil! Join Drs. Craig, Koehler and Pesavento for a five-day immersion in description and interpretation of gross, microscopic, ultrastructural changes as well as use and interpretation of IHC/ISH and PCR at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. There will be multiple mock tests to practice your skills!

Please note: Lectures will be presented in English with real-time translation to Portuguese.

Serie de seminarios de histopatología del LCPG.

(P) O LCPG anuncia rodadas especiais de histopatologia abertas ao público, inteiramente dedicadas a alunos de língua espanhola e portuguesa. Esta série terá laminas digitalizadas ou projetadas de casos de patologia didáticos e interessantes.

(S) El LCPG anuncia rondas especiales de histopatología abiertas al público, completamente dedicadas a estudiantes de habla hispana y portugues. Esta serie contará con láminas digitalizadas o proyectadas de casos didácticos e interesantes de patología.


Necropsy Course January 2023- The Davis-Thompson Foundation

Join us for a two-days course designed to help candidates that are preparing to take the Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE) by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) National Examining Board (NEB).

2023 General Pathology Review Course

The year 2023 is just around the corner, and we can't wait to e-see y'all at the acclaimed yearly General Pathology Review Course, which will take place the week of January 30 - February 3, 2023. So go ahead and save the date on your calendars for this phenomenal opportunity. This course will grant you access to comprehensive lectures on cell adaptations, tissue repair, inflammation, hemodynamics, pathogenesis, immunity, neoplasia, and more...!

$125 – $375

SESC case archive: the Catalan Slaughterhouse Support Network

This is the first official Free-Friday seminar available to you! Why not start 2023 learning about common, relevant, and some curious findings in the Catalan slaughterhouse? Dr. Enric Vidal (IRTA-CReSA) will generously share his experience and expertise with us in this one-of-a-kind virtual event. Do not miss this opportunity, and join fellow colleagues to discuss about the lesions and the Slaughterhouse Support Network. Registration is free, but required.


Rewind Friday: Fun at Fringe of Feline Pathology

We all know how busy our days can be! Cat-persons if you couldn't make it to this purrrrrfect seminar, feline no more! The Foundation is bringing back to you some of our recorded archived lectures (not publicly available on Youtube), delivered by top-notch speakers from all over the world in the REWIND SERIES.


Dermatopathology (full-day seminar)

The first full-day seminar of 2023 will kick off with one of the most sought themes in diagnostics: derm path! Delivering this full-day seminar are two phenomenal experts who have tons of knowledge, tips, and cases to share. This event is tailored to everyone: the curious, the excited, and the ones intimidated by dermatopathology. Come join us and sharpen your diagnostic skills. Registrants will have access to the recorded talks for 14 days.
