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Revisión de patología endocrina

¡Únase a nosotros el Jueves May 19, 2022 para ver una de las charlas del Dr. Sponenberg y agudice su conocimiento de todo lo relacionado con la patología endocrina! Tal tema puede ser intimidante para algunos, pero el Dr. Sponenberg lo hará claro y sin complicaciones. ¡Esta es su oportunidad perfecta para dominar este tema de una vez por todas!

Foreign animal disease and outbreak preparedness workshop

Join us for this outstanding - and always essential - 2-day workshop about foreign/transboundary animal diseases and guidance on how to prepare for outbreaks, with distinguished speakers who have extensive experience in the field. For each day, participants will be exposed to 3h presentations from different professionals and will be able to ask questions and interact with other colleagues. The workshop will happen on May 19th (Thursday) and 20th (Friday), from 10am-1pm Sydney Time (7-10pm US Central Time). Registration is free but required.
