by Bruce Williams, DVM, PhD, DACVP, Chief Financial Officer of Davis-Thompson Foundation
You probably know about Veterinary Systemic Pathology Online (VSPO) and the online Wednesday Slide Conference (both provided by the Joint Pathology Center), but have you visited Noah’s Slidebox, an online whole slide image database, one of many new Foundation initiatives?
Populated by slides from a variety of the Foundation’s annual slide seminars (NEVPC, Galveston, AAZV), those of other participating organizations (SEVPAC/Tifton, AAVLD, ACVP, etc), and selections from the Foundation’s own 40,000 slides in its Training Aids Division, the scanned slides are available along with their lengthy, well-referenced, and up-to-date writeups, and best of all, searchable! And not to mention

With new cases rolling in every day, we have just passed 1000 cases and growing! We believe that Noah’s Slidebox will be a very useful addition to online slide catalogs, with a larger selection of exotic species and less common entities (although there are a whole lot of classics in there as well).
Visit by clicking on the Noah’s Slidebox Microscope on our home page at – then either browse years’ worth of slide conferences or opt to “Search All Slides” and enter a keyword of your choice. Your results are returned with the most recent occurrences at the top so you are guaranteed the most current reviews!

Have a set from one of the organizations in the collection that you don’t see listed? We’d like to borrow it for a few days (and return it to you!) – contact Bruce Williams at (We hope to add additional organizations in coming months!)