by Francisco (Paco) Uzal
Chief Executive Officer
Davis-Thompson Foundation
This year, our beloved Descriptive Veterinary Pathology course will be transformed into Foundations of Pathology. The course will have a three-day virtual component in September and two half days of in-person instruction at the ACVP meeting in Seattle. While some of the material will remain the same, there will be new material as well and all will be aimed at the early stage trainee. We highly recommend that this course be taken by first-year residents. Topics will include introduction to evaluating and describing gross, microscopic, and ultrastructural lesions, interpreting IHC/ISH and molecular testing, as well as study techniques, structuring study during your residency, networking with other trainees, understanding the role of self-assessments, and more!
Due to reduced travel costs for lecturers, we will be offering this course for much less than the in-person DVP. The tuition will be a flat rate of $400, which will cover both the virtual and in-person components (sorry, no, they cannot be separated). Scholarships will be available, with priority placed on those in training programs in under-resourced countries. Attendance at the in-person component is limited to 40 people due to prior arrangements with the meeting hotel. Be sure to watch our social media accounts, the website events page, and of course the newsletter and listserv announcements to know when registration will begin! We are so excited to bring this new course to you.