Current Literature and Image Interpretation Course – USA

This course is a systems-based review of veterinary pathology including current literature (past 5 years), relevant textbooks, as well as thousands of gross and microscopic images (histopathology and cytology). Attendees will receive over 600 of boards-style multiple-choice questions, both knowledge (literature and textbook based) and image based. Questions are embedded in the presentations via live polling, but attendees will also receive the questions with references in the course materials. This course replaces the previously offered Gross Course and differs from it by the addition microscopic images (histopathology and cytology) and current literature review, to better reflect the current ACVP exam format.

Get Tickets $575.00 – $675.00

Rondas de histopatologia del LCPG – Dr. Federico Cifuentes

El LCPG anuncia rondas especiales de histopatología abiertas al público, completamente dedicadas a estudiantes de habla hispana y portugues. Esta serie contará con láminas digitalizadas o proyectadas de casos didácticos e interesantes de patología.

Current Literature and Image Interpretation Course – UK

This course is a systems-based review of veterinary pathology including current literature (past 5 years), relevant textbooks, as well as thousands of gross and microscopic images (histopathology and cytology). Attendees will receive over 600 of boards-style multiple-choice questions, both knowledge (literature and textbook based) and image based. Questions are embedded in the presentations via live polling, but attendees will also receive the questions with references in the course materials. This course replaces the previously offered Gross Course and differs from it by the addition microscopic images (histopathology and cytology) and current literature review.

Rodadas de histopatologia da LCPG – Dr. Ileana Miranda

O LCPG anuncia rodadas especiais de histopatologia abertas ao público, totalmente dedicadas a estudantes de língua espanhola e portuguesa. Esta série contará com lâminas digitalizadas ou projetadas de casos didáticos e interessantes de patologia.


Davis Thompson Foundation European Division Symposium  on Gastrointestinal Pathology

Come join us for two days filled with exciting discussions, networking opportunities, and insightful presentations from GI pathology experts covering large and small animals. This symposium is a great chance to expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded professionals in the field. You don't want to miss this unique opportunity!

€425 – €490