History:Over approximately 2 weeks, the rehabilitator had lost three fawns, all with similar signs including tremors and wobbly legs with rapid progression to an inability to rise. Additionally, fawns often exhibited vocalization, drooling, wide-eyes, labored breathing, and death within 3-4 hours of onset of signs.
Gross Lesions:The ventral surface of the diaphragm closest to the abomasum was coated with tan, friable, light yellow, strands of fibrinous material. Throughout the mesentery, lymph nodes were prominent and approximately 1.0 cm in diameter. The rumen, reticulum, and omasum contained mottled green to white, thick, pasty material admixed with plant fibers. Bright green material of similar consistency was in the abomasum. Most of the intestinal tract was transmurally bright red to black. Segmentally, the intestines contained gas and bright red to muddy brown, opaque liquid.