NEVPC 2022
Signalment:6 year old female spayed German shepherd
History:This 6 year old female spayed German shepherd dog initially presented to the Kuwait Veterinary Detachment on 17 October 2021 for an intake physical exam on arrival where three masses were noted located caudal to the left shoulder, over the right flank, and caudal to the left elbow. On 21 October 2021, the patient re-presented to the Kuwait Veterinary Detachment for an acute, markedly swollen left pelvic limb and a firm, multilobulated, nodular swelling was noted in the inguinal region (area of the femoral pulse) during the exam. On 02-03 November 2021, the patient presented for an acute, edematous swelling around the right eye. The patient was returned to the USA on 06 November 2021 due to the ongoing medical issues. On 10 November 2021, the patient arrived at Fort Jackson, SC and underwent an intake physical exam and all previously noted masses and swellings had resolved. However, a firm, dual lobulated mass was noted within the left inguinal region with mild thickening of the subcutaneous tissue cranial to the firm swelling. Excisional biopsy was performed.
Gross Lesions:None