History:The calf was treated for sepsis 5 months prior to presentation. The calf was lethargic and weak for several days. On presentation, the calf was stuporous and dehydrated with injected sclera and hyperemic mucous membranes. Fecal staining was prominent on the tail and perineum, and the body condition was poor. Neurologic signs included horizontal nystagmus, decreased pupillary light reflex, and seizures. During treatment, the animal became comatose and arrested. The calf was revived with CPR, but soon became agonal and died.
Gross Lesions:Diffusely, the lungs were mildly firm and uncollapsed, while the cranioventral right lung lobe was dark red to purple. The tracheobronchial, lumbar, iliac, and mesenteric lymph nodes were mildly enlarged. The pyloric wall was mildly thickened. Multifocally, segments of the jejunum were dark purple, dilated, and thinned. The meninges were moderately congested.