Southcentral Division 2021
Signalment:7-year-old, male castrated, domestic goat
History:This pet goat was apparently healthy two days prior to presentation. He became reluctant to stand and was lethargic, at which point he was taken to a local veterinary clinic. The owners believed their goat was poisoned since someone left a package of lamb chops on their porch the previous day to taunt them. Upon physical exam, the goat was non-ambulatory and slightly obtunded. CBC and chemistry revealed increased BUN and creatinine, as well as increased creatine kinase, LDH, and a slight neutrophilia. Clinical signs worsened during the hospital stay, and the patient passed away.
Gross Lesions:Transparent, yellow fluid was found in the abdomen, thorax, and pericardial sac. Systemic icterus was apparent. Multiple organs showed pallor, primarily the kidneys, heart, and brain. The liver was swollen with an enhanced reticular pattern. The rumen contained plastic bags and large roots. Lice were seen on the skin, and whipworms were found in the cecum.