NEVPC 2021
Signalment:17 year old Quarter Horse gelding
History:Presented for colic
Gross Lesions:At the level of the ileocecocolic junction, there was a 37cm segment of ileum everted into the cecum (intussusception). Extending from the mucosa of the affected ileum at the tip of the intussusceptum was a focal, pedunculated, multilobulated, exophytic, dark brown to dark red, friable mass measuring approximately 5 cm x 3 cm x 5 cm. The remaining mucosa of the intussusceptum was diffusely dark red and roughened with a thick, mottled brown to red fibrin mat, and the submucosa was moderately expanded by edema and was diffusely dark red. The serosa and surrounding mesentery of the involved ileal segment was mottled dark red to pale tan with multifocal petechiae. Extending from the mesentery/serosa in this region (from the serosa of the intussusceptum) was a pedunculated, mottled pale tan to red, fatty mass measuring 5 cm in diameter (lipoma). Arising from the mucosa of the cecum immediately aboral to the intussusception, was a broad based, regionally extensive, multi-lobulated, exophytic, dark brown mass measuring 10 cm x 10 cm x 2 cm. On cut surface, this mass was friable, caseous, and mottled dark yellow to brown to red to pale tan with multifocal petechiae.