NEVPC 2021
Signalment:Three, 2 to 3-year-old, female (1) and neutered male (2), Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, and Boer goats
History:Three goats from the same farm were submitted for postmortem examination over the course of 8 days in late January to early February during an outbreak in which 5 goats died. On presentation, the goats were dull, lethargic, and inappetent, progressing to recumbency. Physical examination showed diarrhea, hypothermia, and ruminal atony. Two animals died, and one was euthanized.
Gross Lesions:The perineum, caudal thighs, and ventral tail were covered by dried tan-brown feces. The small intestine and cecum had granular serosal surfaces and were segmentally coated in thick layers of adherent yellow-tan fibrin strands. The small intestine ranged from fluid-filled and dilated with thin walls to thick-walled with obstructive luminal fibrinonecrotic casts. In the thickened segments, the mucosa of some animals was diffusely replaced by yellow-tan, friable, necrotic debris (diphtheritic membrane), while in others it was dark red, roughened and occasionally had miliary, 1-2 mm diameter, soft tan nodules. The mesentery was edematous and mesenteric lymph nodes were markedly enlarged up to 5 cm in diameter. Multifocally, the lymph node corticomedullary architecture was effaced by pale yellow purulent exudate surrounded by a thin rim of remaining tissue (abscesses).