NEVPC 2022
Signalment:2 y.o. female
History:Previously healthy adult redhead hen with a 3-week history of waxing and waning neurologic signs including: diminished reactivity to handling, intermittent nystagmus, head tremors, right-sided head tilt and tilt, depression. Leukocytosis with mature heterophilia, persistent despite ceftiofur, meloxicam, B-vitamins, itraconizol, and fluids. Splenomegaly noted on radiographs. Negative for and vaccinated against West Nile virus.
Rallied briefly followed by abrupt decompensation exhibiting: obtundity, opposing nystagmus (vertical in one eye and horizontal in the other), open mouth breathing, dorsal recumbency, mucous membrane pallor, and pyrexia.
Euthanasia elected due to progressive neurologic disease.
Gross Lesions:Spleen, liver, lung, brain: Multifocal granulomas.