Southcentral Division 2021
Signalment:Adult, male intact, mixed breed dog
History:The patient presented for evaluation of hyporexia and weight loss of approximately one month duration and progressive abdominal distension and labored breathing of approximately two weeks duration. Point of care abdominal and thoracic ultrasounds revealed tricavitary effusion. Cytologic examination of the peritoneal and pleural fluid were consistent with a modified transudate and transudate, respectively. A 4Dx Plus SNAP test was negative. The patient failed to respond to supportive care and continued to decline, thus the owners elected humane euthanasia.
Gross Lesions:The peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, and pericardial sac contained marked, moderate, and mild amounts of serosanguineous to straw-yellow, clear fluid, respectively (tricavitary effusion). Multifocally, the parietal pleura lining the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, visceral pulmonary pleura, pericardial sac, and epicardium were moderately to markedly thickened, white, opaque, and firm (fibrosis). The right cranial and right middle lung lobes were adhered to the body wall by a marked amount of fibrosis. The apex of the left ventricle was adhered to the pericardial sac by a 1 cm diameter band of fibrosis. Multifocally, mesothelial hyperplasia covered the caudal lung lobes, epicardium of the right auricle, and mediastinum. There was mild endocardiosis of the mitral valve. The liver was diffusely and moderately enlarged with rounded margins (hepatomegaly) and a heterogeneously pale tan to dark red parenchyma on cut section (chronic passive congestion).