Let’s assume you’ve heard about “Noah’s Arkive” – but have you heard of “Noah’s Slidebox”?
Your Foundation continue to ride the wave of digital pathology with another long-term project – providing high-quality digital slides available to anyone around the world with a digital device – a computer, a tablet, even a smartphone.

The digital slides in the “Slidebox” will come from three sources – the Foundations’ over 30K glass slides which have been in circulation in the Foundation’s Training Aids division over the last 40 years (we are selecting only the best to digitize), case submission from the Foundation annual slide symposia (Northeast, Southcentral, AAVLD, AAZV, etc.) and finally, those of other organizations who desire a permanent archive from slide sets.

The Foundation has just agreed to house the ACVP’s “Neuropathology Mystery Slides” and is talking with other organizations to provide a permanent home for slides (with accompanying high-quality writeups).