Drs. Rachel Burns (moderator), Molly Church (keynote speaker), and Dalen Agnew (co-moderator) (L to R) at the 2022 AAZV-CLDTF 29th Annual Zoo and Wildlife Pathology Workshop
by Dalen Agnew, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Almost 50 participants registered for the recent 29th Annual Zoo and Wildlife Pathology Workshop held in Houston, TX, during the meeting of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. The audience was international and included veterinary students, interns, residents, and clinical veterinarians as well as veterinary pathologists.
Dr. Molly Church, from University of Pennsylvania, presented the keynote: “Neurologic disease in wildlife and zoo species,” followed by 18 presentations by participants.
These talks covered neuropathology and diseases seen in bears, Mexican wolves, dolphins, chimpanzees, cardinal fish, grackles, and snakes, among others. Causes ranged from neoplasia to toxins, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, nematodes, and fungi.
We finished just in time to attend the icebreaker event at the St. Arnold Brewery.
The next Zoo and Wildlife Pathology Workshop (our 30th annual!) is scheduled for 17 September 2023 in Nashville, TN. Look for a topic announcement and request for case material in the spring.